Niigata East Port Aution of Used Heavy Equipment
Niigata East Port Auction of Used Heavy Equipment English
Niigata East Port Aution of Used Heavy Equipment
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Niigata East Port Aution of Used Heavy Equipment
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Niigata East Port Aution of Used Heavy Equipment
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Niigata East Port Auction of Used Heavy Equipment Russian
Escavators & Other machine Wheel Loaders Special Vehicles Trucks from Sambun Trucks Forklifts

0) { foreach($_POST as $k=>$v) { ${$k}=trim(htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(stripslashes($v)))); } if (empty($name)) {$err[]='name';} //if (empty($email)) {$err[]='email';} if (empty($msg)) {$err[]='msg';} //if ($_FILES['att'] && $_FILES['att']['size']>20480) {$err[]='att';} } if (count($err)>0 || count($_POST)==0) { if (count($err)>0) { ?>
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Truck, Construction Equipment, Industrial Equipment, Parts
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0) { require_once("fconts.php"); $messc.=" Dear $name, \r\n"; $messc.="Thank you for your inquiry. \r\n"; $messc.="Your inquiry with the following information has been submitted and we will respond shortly.\r\n"; $messc.="\r\n"; $messc.="//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n"; $messc.="\r\n"; $messc.="Your Name:$name \r\n"; $messc.="Contact telephone:$tel \r\n"; $messc.="Fax Number:$fax \r\n"; $messc.="E-Mail Address:$email \r\n"; $messc.="\r\n"; $messc.="Vehicle Name:$shamei \r\n"; $messc.="Model:$model \r\n"; $messc.="Shape:$shape \r\n"; $messc.="\r\n"; $messc.="Message:$msg \r\n"; $messc.="\r\n"; $messc.="\r\n"; $messc.="We do appreciate your business.\r\n"; $messc.="\r\n"; $messc.="Thank you \r\n"; $messc.="\r\n"; $messc.="\r\n"; $messc.="\r\n"; $messc.="//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n"; $messc.="\r\n"; $messc.="Sambun Corporation \r\n"; $messc.="2806 Settaya, Nagaoka City, Niigata 940−1104 Japan \r\n"; $messc.="TEL: 0258-22-3817 \r\n"; $messc.="FAX: 0258-22-0114 \r\n"; $messc.="//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n"; mail($email,"Your Inquiry to Sambun",$messc,"From: $email_from\r\n"); // Separate here Send one to Hp owner $mess.="\r\n"; $mess.="英語のホームページからの問合せ。探してる車\r\n"; $mess.="\r\n"; $mess.="\r\n"; $mess.="===========================探してる車のお問い合わせ内容===========================================\r\n"; $mess.="お名前:$name \r\n"; $mess.="ご連絡先電話番号:$tel \r\n"; $mess.="FAX番号:$fax \r\n"; $mess.="Eメールアドレス:$email \r\n"; $mess.="\r\n"; $mess.="車名:$shamei \r\n"; $mess.="モデル:$model \r\n"; $mess.="形状:$shape \r\n"; $mess.="\r\n"; $mess.="メッセージ:$msg \r\n"; $mess.="\================================================================================================\r\n"; $mess.="送信日時:".date( "Y/m/d (D) H:i:s", time() )."\r\n"; $mess.="ホスト名:".getHostByAddr(getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'))."\r\n"; $mess.="\r\n"; $header.="From: ".$_POST['email']."\nReply-To: ".$_POST['email']."\nContent-Type: text/plain;charset=iso-2022-jp\nX-Mailer: PHP/".phpversion(); $sbj.="探してる車の問合せ 英語のHP\r\n"; mail($email_to,$sbj,$mess,$header); ?>



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